Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

Time flies. I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving and next up is Christmas. Usually by this time I have at least gotten a few presents purchased, but this year - NOTHING! I realize that was definitely a privilage when I worked at Byrnes Associates. I had all kinds of stores right near me and could go to them on my lunch breaks every day if I wanted too. I miss that. So, after Thanksgiving Chris and I really have to buckle down and get to shopping.

This year for Thanksgiving we are doing the same thing we do every year. We start off going to lunch at someones home for Chris' mother's side of the family. Then we do an evening dinner with my immediate family. Then early Friday morning we drive to Virginia to see Chris's dad, Claudia, and other family members. Saturday morning we will head to the Christmas Tree Farm and cut a tree down and bring it back with us that day. That is probably the most exciting part of our Thanksgiving holiday (besides all the yummy eating). This will be our third year of picking out our tree at a farm in Virginia.

Dylan is playing flag football now. He has had one game, which he caught 3 passes and even ran one back for a touchdown! He definitely loves football. He has been begging to play for so long. Gavin has decided to play no sports at this time. He says he just wants to wait and play spring soccer and t-ball. This is so nice for us since it gives us a break from having to run two kids somewhere to practice or play in something. I consider this our downtime!

We recently had parent-teacher conferences with they boys' teachers and they both received great reports. We have been blessed with smart and well behaved kids. Their behavior is definitely different at home, but I'm grateful that they are well behaved in school.

Grace is getting big and saying a lot more words. She says thank you and please all the time now, sometimes without even being prompted. She is very curious and always points at stuff and asks "what's that." She still is all about the boy's toys and could care less about girly stuff. I'm determined to try again this Christmas though. Maybe a new babydoll will catch her interest. We'll see.

My friend Jennifer came over this past weekend and took some pictures. If was freezing outside and Grace wasn't very cooperative, but we managed to get a few good ones. Here's a peek!

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