Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Birthday's Coming Up

We are getting ready for birthday's around here. It starts with mine, September 11, then it moves into a crazy month in Ocotber. Dylan's on Ocotber 1, Savanna's on Ocotber 4, and Gavin's on October 8. Lots of birthday parties to plan and attend. Luckily for everyone, Dylan and Gavin are still young enough that they are okay with having their birthday parties at the same time without feeling like the other one is "stealing their thunder" so to speak. I know this will change in a few years but for now it's great. Although it does make for a CRAZY, large birthday party, it is still nice to knock them out with one shot. They are both asking for new bikes this year. They both need to move to the next size up. Hopefully Chris and I can go look at some soon. Dylan is really into more of the electronic stuff now. He is asking for a new Pokemon game for his Nintendo DS, a new game for the Playstation 2, a MP3 player, and some other small things. Gavin is asking for a new "swweeeet truck, swweeet car, swwweeet motorcycle, swwweeet 4-wheeler, and a swwweeet monster truck." That's what he said. They all have to be "swweeet." He cracks me up sometimes.
I don't think Chris and I will do much for my birthday. We will probably try to grab some dinner tonight since my mom will have the kids at church. I'm turning 29.....just one year away from 30. Maybe next year we will throw a bash!

I think I mentioned a few blogs ago that our friends Tony, Amanda, and Abbygale came over for dinner. Amanda gave me a CD full of pictures from that night and the camping trip. These are some of my favorites from the dinner night. All the kids climbing in our tree out back and a cute one of my pretty princess!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School, our weekend and more....

School started last week. The hustle and bustle with Dylan to do homework is back in swing. AND we get to add Gavin to the mix. Gavin started Kindergarten! He seems to like it, I guess. I say I guess, because it is like pulling teeth to get him to tell me about his day. Dylan is the same way. This is a typical conversation:
Me - "How was your day?"
Dylan or Gavin - "Fine"
Me - "So, what did you do today at school?"
Dylan or Gavin - "Nothing"
Me - "Really, so why do I even send you to school?"
Dylan - "Because it's the law."
I do know that Gavin's best buddy Benjamin is in his class and sits at his table. I know Gavin is very happy about that! I'm interested to see how this week goes. Maybe I will be able to get more out of them or at least one of them, as time goes on. I also know that Dylan has reservations about his teacher. When asked if he likes his teacher, he said to me, "She's okay, but she has issues." After prying and pleading to understand what he means when he says "issues" he tells me that she is not very patient with a kid (Dylan's friend) in his class because he talks a lot. I'm okay with that, if that is what he means by issues.

Soccer has also started back up. Chris and I are super busy, that's all I have to say. I'm not sure what we will do when Grace gets older and is ready to start participating in activities. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Our weekend.....
Saturday Chris went to Trent and Ragan's for the fantasy football draft that he plays in every year. After the draft was over I took the kids there. We had a great time hanging out with everyone. They filled up the baby pool with water and the kids played around in that for the longest time. Grace enjoyed swinging in Tatum's swing.

Sunday we had Tony, Amanda, and Abbygale over for dinner. We had lots of fun with them and I think she took a few pictures so maybe she will send those to me shortly.

Monday Chris stayed at home with Grace while they boys went off with their friend Andrew and I took advantage of shopping alone at the new Marshall's. They have a lot of nice shoes! Then I came home and cleaned! I know this made Chris very happy. I even mopped, which I am embarrassed to say it has not been done for a couple of months. I seriously HATE mopping. I think it is the worst chore and I would rather clean 50 bathrooms than mop my entire house.