Thursday, October 2, 2008


Has it really been that long since I have had a chance to post? Wow, time flies.
We have been quite busy the past 3 weeks with soccer. We have a soccer game or soccer practice every day except Wednesday and Sunday. The boys are really enjoying it. Dylan's games are pretty exciting to watch because they are older and actually have rules and it is more competitive. Gavin's are fun too! This year he seems to really thrive at being a goalie. For some reason he is not as aggressive as he was last year. But when he's in that goalie box, he does a great job!

Yesterday was Dylan's birthday. He said it was a good day! Last night we had the opportunity to go the South Point High School soccer game and Dylan's soccer team were the ball runners. So every time the ball went out of bounds they would run and get it and throw it back to the players. Dylan got a lot of action on his side and he really enjoyed it. During half time he was even allowed to go on the field and play with a bunch of older high school kids, kicking the ball around and stuff. I'm really kicking myself right now because I FORGOT the camera! My mom is going to yell at me. :)

What else is going on......oh, Gavin informed me this morning that daddy is smarter than me! It went a little something like this:
Me: "See Dylan, aren't you glad I told you to wear long pants and a jacket since it's so cold out?"
Dylan: "Yes"
Me: "When are you going to learn that mom is so smart?"
Gavin: "Nuh, huh, daddy is way smarter than you!"
Me: "Really?"
Gavin: "Yes, he put a little water in the soap bottle in the bathroom to make it last longer! He is very smart!"
Me: "Yes you are right, he is very smart!"
HaHaHaHa! Who do you think Chris learned that trick from? I'll just continue to let Gavin think Chris is that much smarter than me since he is a daddy's boy.
My family really keeps me laughing.
Grace is doing well, too. She is trying to talk a lot more. Don't know what she's saying, but she tries.
I only have one picture to post right now. It's from Kinsley's birthday party. Grace was not very excited at first, and Lisa managed to catch this expression. She's such a little stinker!

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