Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Today Is A Good Day!

Dylan is officially a Maynard! We received the letter yesterday in the mail that Chris' adoption of Dylan has been completed. Now all we need is a new birth certificate. This is so exciting as he will be able to start the 3rd grade with his new last name. We always sign him up for sports with Maynard, but the school would not let us do that because it legally was not his last name. Dylan is so excited also!!

Dylan Maynard
A couple of weekends ago we went went to the Belmont Festival with our friends Trent, Ragan, and Tatum. We had a wonderful time with them. The boys (big and little) loved all the rides. These rides tend to make me nervous because well it is a Carnival and you must wonder how safe these beat-down looking rides are. Let's face it, this is no Carowinds. Anyway, here are some pictures from that evening.

Me, Grace, Ragan & Tatum
Gavin riding the airplanes, which Ragan saw a few days later stranded on the side of the highway. I assume the trailer it was carried on was broken or something. Weird!
Dylan riding the bull
Chris and Gavin riding some kind of spinner Trent and Dylan riding an airplane
Grace and Tatum - Friends!
And a cute one of just Grace in her pigtails that I am now able to get her to leave in!

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