Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Beach Trip Drama

Our beach trip.....where do I begin. It was truly great....until Saturday night. Dylan was laying on the floor sort of gently wrestling around with his little cousin, Kaleb. Gavin then decided to join them, by jumping down on Dylan's neck! Dylan immediately jumped up screaming and crying in pain and holding his neck. He screamed and cried hysterically (calming down off and on only for a few seconds at a time) for almost 25 -30 minutes. I tried ice and gave him Tylenol. He kept saying that he was having shooting pains going down his neck and one time he even said it was tingling. So, I started to panic and we made the choice to call 911. We laid him on the floor and did not let him move his head. Side note: this whole time he could move his fingers and toes and he never loss consciousness. So first a cop pulls up and comes in. Dylan calmed down once he was there. Then an ambulance comes up about 3 minutes later. And then about 5 minutes after that ANOTHER ambulance pulls up. It was kind of like a scene in a movie. Anyway, they check him out, ask us what we want to do, and we said take him to the hospital just to be safe.

So here he is with the EMT before they toted him out to the ambulance. We couldn't help but laugh because he was just so little and cute and all bundled up. Plus the EMT started laughing so it kind of broke the ice and made Dylan smile
So anyway, Dylan had a CT scan and a neck XRay. Everything ended up fine and it was just a neck contusion. So an expensive lesson learned......Dylan is a dramatic child and we could have probably done without the hospital trip. But, on the other hand, a neck injury is a serious thing and you can never be too careful.

Now on to the fun part of the trip. We had beautiful weather the whole time. Our only complaint was the wind was crazy! It was so strong, which made the waves very rough and sand would blow by us and it would sting when it hit you. The boys had a blast running around and playing in the water. Gavin did great this year and was not scared at all. Grace did not enjoy it too much the first two days. She would sit on your lap and touch the sand. She eventually got up and walked around and played. But on the last day, she had a blast. She wanted to be in the water playing. This was brought on by Grace seeing Kaleb in the water and laughing and having fun. Once she saw that, she was ready to play. I have a few pictures from my camera. My mom has much better ones that I hope to get next week. But for now here are some.

My studs, Dylan & Gavin
Pretty girl, Grace
And this is a picture of my weirdo husband and weirdo son! They decided they would sculpt me in the sand. So apparently this is what I look like. :)

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